Current & previous camp brochures:

2022 Camp Brochure

2021 Camp Brochure

​​2020 Camp Cancelled - links to the Stay-At-Home Series 2020 for children are HERE

2019 Camp Brochure                               ​2018 Camp Brochure                              2017 Camp Brochure

​2016 Camp Brochure                               2015 Camp Brochure                              2014 Camp Brochure

2012 Camp Brochure

Many posters and other fun archival materials can be found below. We are working to add more.

​​​​​Sponsored by Revelation Audio Video in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.  CLICK HERE

Camp History

Previous Camp Meetings & Events

Many events are held at Camp Wesley. We have added a lot of pictures to the slideshow below from camps and events through the years, but there are many more! We will continue to add them as we can. You will also some of our past recorded sermons and brochures. If you have some pictures, we would love to add them to this collection! Please contact or send them to Stephanie Young at

-Camp Workdays: TBA-
Everyone is welcome - all ages! Text Mike Jester at 704-785-5834 for times.

Camp Wesley’s history spans seventy years. As early as 1936, a small group of Christians organized by Mr. M. C. Scercy erected the first arbor on the property of G. L. Rogers in rural Rowan County, North Carolina. In 1946, M. C. Scercy’s nephew, Rev. William Scercy, felt led of the Lord to organize a camp meeting board. Several selected men with interest in beginning a camp meeting gathered at the home of Mr. Ray Daniels of Kannapolis, NC on September 6, 1946. The motion carried to name the camp, “Camp Wesley Interdenominational Holiness Camp”. The first camp meeting was held August 1-10, 1947. The group soon purchased a five-acre plot of land from Mr. G. L. Rogers, still the current site of Camp Wesley. The first permanent buildings on the grounds were a 60' by 80' open-air tabernacle and a small dining hall. Today, ten buildings cover the Camp Wesley grounds, including our beautiful new “Rebecca Jester McHargue Fellowship Center.” With an eye toward the future, the Camp Wesley board purchased an additional five acres adjoining the property with plans for recreational areas, an additional dormitory and RV/camper space. To further aid in Camp Wesley’s development, an additional tract measuring 140 by 150 feet adjacent to the camp was donated to Camp Wesley during the 1999 Camp Meeting. Rev. William Scercy, W.H. Hall, Rev. Frank Ostwalt, Grover Beaver, and Rev. E.T. Houston have served as past presidents of the camp. Rev. Trent Patterson, the current camp president, and the Camp Wesley directors look forward to many years of continued ministry in the community.


Camp Wesley began in 1947 and is an interdenominational holiness campground located in Mooresville, North Carolina. Our camp and facilities are available for rental.

Who we are STAFF

Send a Message HERE

​Want to volunteer? See our 
Volunteer Page for more information,.

Visit Us: 3090 Deal Road, Mooresville, NC 28115

P: 704-785-5834 (Pres., Mike Jester)

E: (President, Mike Jester) (Youth Ministries, Rev. Blake Hinson) (Kids Min, Rev. Young)​

​​​​​​​​​   © Copyright. All Rights Reserved

Listen to previous camp meeting services: *LINK UNAVAILABLE AT THIS TIME*

Camp Meeting Services 2023

June 15-25, 2023 | Sat & Sun 6pm, Mon-Fri 7pm

We are still in the planning process and in finalizing our speakers all around for Camp Meeting 2023. They will be posted as soon as possible.​ Thank you to everyone who prayed for, attended and supported Camp 2022. We love our Camp Wesley family!

​​2023 Schedule of Speakers